Beauty Career Exploration &  Placement Program

For those who may or may not be in school or have a job; or are justice-involved wanting to start a beauty career and/or business.


Program Overview

TLE’s Beauty Career Exploration & Placement Program is a career pathway program (up to 6 months) for individuals 18+ who may or may not be in school or have a job; or are justice-involved and interested in starting a career in business and/or beauty business.

How Our Program Works

Participants in our program participate in exploratory facial care and make-up artistry, basic hair care for men and women, nail technology, and braiding training and apprenticeships; and upon completion either go on to a beauty program to become a licensed cosmetologist, barber, nail technician, or aesthetician or work as a freelance or staff make-up artist or braider at any one of our participating employers. Participants receive help with placement at a licensed beauty school and if they want job placement as a make-up artist or braider. We help clients complete their applications, facilitate tours, and provide financial aid for out of pocket costs for beauty school. We also do monthly check-ins to ensure they are doing well. For those seeking job opportunities, we provide resume writing, interview prepping, and assistance with job placement. For those wanting to work as freelancers or independent contractors, we work with them to set up their operations as a formal business with ongoing technical assistance.

Eligibility Requirements:

The eligibility requirements for our Beauty Career Exploration &  Placement Program are as follows:

  1. Applicants must have a high school diploma; or an official GED or HiSET.

  2. Applicants must have a demonstrated interest in learning about the beauty industry and wanting to explore the tracks being offered under our program.

  3. Applicants must have the desire to want support, services, and coaching and mentoring from our business incubator community (staff and partners) needed for them to complete the program and be placed in a job at minimum.

  4. Applicants must be able to attend all program sessions; have a willingness to be held accountable to weekly/monthly program goals; and must be open to receiving and accepting feedback.

  5. Applicants wanting to start a business must demonstrate an overall readiness to fully implement their launch plans once they complete our program.

For questions, contact our Programs team at

Our Impact

We believe that with the right tools and support, more of our beauty professionals and micro-entrepreneurs experiencing these barriers will have the chance to share their talents and skills with the greater local economy while improving themselves and the community at large.

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TLECFUE Business Exploration Startup Program